Year: 2017

Market Recap March 31, 2017

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features:

• Reversion to the Mean?
• When Equity and Bond Markets Disagree
• Protracted Market Stability May Not Indicate Future Weakness
• Golden TV Times for College Sports

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Market Recap March 17, 2017

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features:

• Rising Investor Cash Balances
• Tightening Labor Markets
• Healthcare Reform – A Work in Progress
• The Value of Sleep

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Market Recap March 3, 2017

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features:

• Optimistic About Tailwinds…
• …Or Cautious About Tail Risks?
• Hope for Rebounding IPO Markets
• Hollywood’s Metrics for Success

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Market Recap February 17, 2017

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features:

• Oil: Impact of the Latest OPEC Deal
• Populism – Movement or Symptom?
• Small Caps Have Outperformed, but Remain Reasonably Valued
• What Shapes National Identity?

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Market Recap February 3, 2017

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features:

• Inflation Expectations Set the Table for Higher Interest Rates
• Inflation and Valuation
• The Dow 20,000 By Any Other Name
• NFL Ratings Stumble in 2016

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