Year: 2016

Market Message June 24, 2016

In light of the significant market response to the results of the historic Brexit Referendum, Harbour Capital Advisors issued the attached market message to accompany the Market Recap on June 24, 2016. Click here to read more

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Market Recap June 24, 2016

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features: Brexit Implications Fed To Hike Rates Even More Slowly Than Expected Election Year Effect on Stock Market Returns American Philanthropy Reaches...

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Market Recap June 10, 2016

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features: Range-Bound Market Earnings, Not Just P/E's, Now Contributing to Market Gains Pension Funds Piling on the Risk Where is "Ordinary America"? Click here...

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Market Recap May 27, 2016

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features: Future Inflation May Be Greater Than We Expect Decreasing Consumer Debt Behind Retail Misery Investor Positioning Suggests Confusion How Often Does...

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Market Recap May 13, 2016

Harbour Capital Advisors’ Market Recap summarizes current investment news and market drivers. This edition features: Earnings Growth Should Turn Positive in 2H 2016 Market Expansion Driven by P/E Growth Private Equity vs. Hedge Funds: Divergent Expectations Leicester...

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